It was my intention to leave the interview process with all the knowledge I required and the assurance that my secondary research was supported.
I began by emailing the candidate all the materials they would require for this interview, including the information form, consent form, and questions. Once both of us agreed on a date, I organised a Google Meet for the morning of 20th April 2023.

Since I personally knew the candidate coming into this process, I had a good feeling that I wouldn't be as nervous when interviewing them. After the interview was finished, I had to spend a lot of time writing the transcript. I kept having to go back to the video recording and rewind, which was very frustrating.
Overall, the interview process went quite well because I had all the necessary information ready. After beginning the primary research for my report, I became aware that I needed the candidate to clarify a couple of the points we covered and that I had a few follow-up questions for them, which they were happy to respond to.

After conducting an interview, I now understand that preparation and organisation are two of the most crucial factors. Even though I was prepared for the interview, I was side-tracked by other responsibilities, which caused me to get a little behind. I now know to make an interview my top priority and complete it first, so I have more time to review it.
If I were to do this interview again, I would outline the important elements and request the interviewee's confirmation of the data I had acquired. This allows clarification and guarantees the accuracy of my report. Additionally, I would make sure to record this process with notes to allow for easier comparison and evaluation when analysing the interview. I can also dig deeper into the candidate's responses by asking follow-up questions. This will help clarify any ambiguous information and encourages the candidate to provide more specific examples.
Driscoll, J. (ed.) (2007) Practising Clinical Supervision: A Reflective Approach for Healthcare Professionals. Edinburgh: Ballière Tindall, Elsevier.