My objective for this module was to improve myself and become more approachable and employable for prospective employment. To make myself more appealing to companies, I wanted to be able to enhance my general skills. I also wanted to use LinkedIn and other contacts to broaden my network.

The 'Career Capital Wheel' was something I completed at the beginning of the module. Due to my lack of experience in my sector of interest, I initially lacked confidence and thought I was not very employable. I believed that I lacked certain abilities, such critical thinking and ethical awareness, as you can see from the image above. I have, however, left this module feeling considerably more confident in myself. Throughout the months leading up to the assessment, I was able to make use of a variety of abilities and strengthen them.
I have also developed flexible and practical hard and soft skills while attending university:

Soft skills are vital because they define me as a person and a professional and demonstrate my ability to work with others and on my own. Hard skills are also crucial because they demonstrate my skills and, therefore, my potential to accomplish a specific job.
Since I'm still unsure of what sector of fashion industry I want to work in, I have made a table outlining the requirements for each position:

The table above shows that fashion buying is far more demands than fashion marketing and requires more technical abilities. Even though this is more work, I like that I get to view the clothing before it is offered to the public and can be more involved in the production process.
Even though I completed the managing data module during my first year of university, I still believe that I can still sharpen my Microsoft skills.
Making additional connections on LinkedIn has been one of the things I've done to improve my chances of getting the career I want. I got in touch with both fashion marketers and buyers in the industry to grow my network, improve my digital literacy, and raise my employability. I've also made connections with hiring managers at businesses like LVMH that I wish to work for someday.
Bassot, B. (2015) The reflective practice guide: an interdisciplinary approach to critical reflection. London: Routledge.
Driscoll, J. (ed.) (2007) Practising Clinical Supervision: A Reflective Approach for Healthcare Professionals. Edinburgh: Ballière Tindall, Elsevier.
Fashion Retail Academy (2023) Fashion Careers: Guide to Fashion Marketing. Available at: https://www.fashionretailacademy.ac.uk/resources/guide-to-fashion-marketing# (Accessed: 12 May 2023).