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Self-management and Time Management

Jenna Vadgama

My goal for this report was to make sure I stayed productive throughout this process. I wanted to be able to reduce the amount of stress I had with this module since I had to conduct my own research for this. My goal for this was to differentiate between important and urgent tasks, which will be a key factor in achieving success in my professional life. (Bassot, p.10, 2015).

I used Covey’s (2004) time management matrix to help me identify which parts of the assignment were important and urgent. I spent a lot of time focusing on the first and second quadrant.

Making sure I stayed on track during this assignment was very stressful since I changed topics and started the research process again. I knew researching and making connections on LinkedIn would take up a lot of time, so I needed a plan to stay on track.

Even though I restarted the research process, I enjoyed it so it didn’t take as long as I thought, meaning I was able to focus on more urgent matters, like finding an interviewee and having my questions ready for them.

Time management is an important skill to have as being organised is vital for professional practice, and effective time management is a skill that all professionals need to work on. Time management helped me stay focused and concentrate on the tasks at hand. By allocating specific time slots for different activities and avoiding multitasking, I was able to devote my full attention and energy to one task at a time. This improved my concentration, increased efficiency, and lead to higher quality work.

I learned prioritising my tasks using Covey’s time management matrix (2004) made this assessment a lot easier. It meant that I could focus on other things like proof reading and checking my references.

I can still improve on my self-motivation skills as it takes a certain level of personal responsibility, but practicing self-motivation can help me become more self-aware and prioritize what's important while also having a work life balance..



Driscoll, J. (ed.) (2007) Practising Clinical Supervision: A Reflective Approach for Healthcare Professionals. Edinburgh: Ballière Tindall, Elsevier.

Bassot, B. (2015) The reflective practice guide: an interdisciplinary approach to critical reflection. London: Routledge.


Jenna Vadgama 



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