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Proposal for a new AR trail for students to take place across a university campus

Jenna Vadgama

The goal of "Bath Spa University Time Capsule Discovery" is to provide university students with an immersive and engaging AR experience that encourages discovery, alliances, and a deeper connection with the campus environment. This trail intends to combine technology with the university's rich cultural heritage and innovation to create a memorable and informative experience for students.

The "Bath Spa University Time Capsule Discovery" will allow users to unearth memories and experiences related with various places of campus, with an Avatar guiding and narrating them through each discovery. This can provide students with a dynamic method to engage with the university's history (Morie and McCallum, 2020). It will conserve and present historical content, ensuring that previous events, accomplishments, and milestones are not forgotten.

The students will be able to visit historic buildings and locations on campus to learn more about the time capsule, such as who placed the object there, the significance of placing something, and their experience as a Bath Spa student. As the trail progresses, they will be able to watch and listen to past students who attended the university from 1852 forward, as well as view these students on campus in various eras (Bath Spa University, 2023). This can be used to engage alumni by highlighting their accomplishments, stories, and experiences. Human communication is a complex and adaptive system influenced by a variety of forces (Li, 2020), which is why this link with prior students generates a sense of continuity and pride in the university's legacy. Avatars can provide numerous options for expressing emotions and nonverbal messages or movements. This level of expressiveness fosters a more intimate and "human" experience, resulting in more insightful and memorable encounters (Onirix, 2023).

Users are invited to tour different regions of campus in search of AR markers. This encourages physical activity, familiarity of the educational setting, and a sense of adventure. Students can utilise this AR trail to escape reality. People who suffer from depression, anxiety, or excessive stress at university or elsewhere should find a means to shut down the mind for a bit in order to maintain excellent mental health (Balan, 2022). This augmented reality trail might be a terrific method for students to unwind and roam about campus while participating in an activity.

Students will be encouraged to share their experiences through the AR time capsule trail. They can contribute to and participate in the creation of a digital archive as they travel the trail, fostering a sense of community and connection among current and future generations of students (Preloaded, 2023). Collaboration among students will also allow more people to connect and engage with one another while on the route, enhancing the physical and mental well-being of students (Mental Health Foundation, 2023).

Users will be able to access the AR trail through the Bath Spa University App, which is already available to all students, making it accessible (Bath Spa University, 2023). Markers will be placed throughout campus, from Main House to the Lakeside Walk, to direct users through an interesting journey of exploring historic aspects of campus and unearthing pieces in the capsule. Users will be able to rate their experience and make comments for how to improve this AR journey at the end of the trail.


Word count – 515


Balan, E. (2022) How AR/VR Plays a Role in One's Mental Health. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Bath Spa University (2023) Students. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Li, Q. (2020) Immersive communication: the communication paradigm of the third media age. 1st edn. New York: Taylor & Francis Group.

Morie, J.F., McCallum, K. (2020) Handbook of research on the global impacts and roles of immersive media. 1st edn. Hershey: IGI Global.

Onirix (2023) Avatars in Augmented Reality: Their Applications and How to Create Them. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Preloaded (2023) The Social Power of Shared AR. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).


Bath Spa University (2023) Main house at Newton Park, 1950. Available at: (Accessed 27 October 2023).

Bath Spa University (2023) Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother opening the Domestic Science building at Sion Hill. Available at: (Accessed 27 October 2023).

ACMI (2023) AR. Trail. Available at: (Accessed: 27 October 2023).



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